Starting 2019 with Gratitude

Is it just me or does time seem to be speeding up? It seems nearly impossible that we are in a new year, especially the final year of the ‘teens. Before the year takes off, I like to practice a reflection/look forward activity that I have been doing since 1994. Why 1994? That year I was about to graduate from college and received a Franklin Quest planner from my uncle. He also sent me to their seminar in Dallas as a gift to help get my professional career started off on the right foot. I am forever thankful for that gift.

Each year I look back and reflect upon what went well. I record how I did against my plans and what changes happened along the way. While I’m generally not a huge “look back” kind of person (#futuristic), it is amazing to go all the way back to that first list in 1994 and see how my life has grown in ways that I couldn’t have anticipated. I then look forward and list out things that I would like to accomplish in the areas of business, well-being and travel. I also like to set an intention for the year. My friend Lisa Cummings and I have been sharing these intentions for the past couple of years and we’ve had “if it isn’t a hell yeah it is a hell no” (borrowing from Tim Ferriss) and lately “do less, better” (with thought credit to Strother Gaines – the best unicorn). I’m going to keep the “do less, better” for this year as I continue to refine my business. Over the next couple of months you will see an updated brand and website with a clarified message, and you’ll continue to see an enhanced social media presence with new content for you.

So as you think about this exciting new year and start to map out your critical milestones, I encourage you to make sure you have plans in place for your staff’s professional growth. If it isn’t an essential part of your business plan, it should be. When you invest in your team and help them identify their strengths and cultivate new skills, you will be helping them feel more invested in their work and more fulfilled in their lives. It isn’t just platitudes – research shows that happy employees generate results and bring your goals to fruition. 

If you’re not sure where to begin, I am here to help. I work with the leaders of organizations of all different business models and sizes to provide the coaching that leaders and their teams need to become more focused, more polished, more articulate and more aware of the roles that they play within an organization.

Cheers to 2019 – our best year yet!